Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Scott Wannberg, Definitively

Last Time I asked it was the call to hear Scott Wannberg
Reading the light definitively at Beyond Baroque, 
The last call: 
July 27, 2008

Light is coming in from everywhere
Light is always coming in
Its bending time into pretzels
Its bending gravity into who knows you and me

Reading awkwardly into the Commander in Chief
Of the sleep-ridden armada of the United States

Scott Wannberg bellows into our dreams
With magnificence
With magnitude 
With imagination
That lauds our inner being
With a yes, indeed.

William Ernest Brown

I love this man's singular creative genius
I have seen him produce paintings with true spleen
Unwavering attention to the horribleness of it all

If he were not looking at the uncanny horribleness of it all
He would be discovering beauty.

 I believe he is in Florida discovering Beauty

there has been silence.

I cherish this loving soul.

Deborah's Dance Tribe (2011)

One of the singularly most lovely group of women I have ever been allowed to photograph.

With abundant respect. xx.

Painting from Jeffrey Scott Brown's Studio

This was a painting from Scott Brown's studio.
It was painted with a kind of Egg Tempera with these ... little strokes.

This isn't that great a version of the image.


If I could nominate Powers to be awarded for 
Best vision of everything I probably would.

I have said before that all this is actually His dream.

Powers is a painter and a writer of songs with his harmonica ensemble.

He goes by Scott Brown or Jeffrey Scott Brown
And he goes by Butcher John Henry
When he collaborates with Logan Fox

Scott is responsible for offering me the chance to smell the oil paint in his studio
Just a pervasive sense that oil-painting still exists and that it is still going on.

He never seems to mind when I photograph him or 
when I play music too loud in the car when I am driving

He likes the beach and considers himself and his associates
Capable of true art.

He has been able to deal with medical conditions with a kind of laughter
An internal yoga of humor.

S.A. with the sandwich opera

One of my favorite pieces of all time
Featuring S.A. with a mayonnaise sandwich ...and a toothbrush
In a plastic bag
Encased in plexiglass or resin

I first encountered this art one day back in the late 80s in his apartment on Vermont
It occurred at the same time that I read the sign he had on his wall
"Choose to be Stupid"

This is at his Avenel Gardens apartment

I just love it that he is so relaxed
Perhaps he is thinking of Bukowski, cats and wine

I think that Scott had passed away
Or maybe this was just before
And he was speaking about Scott
And he misses Scott and he loves Scott

Monday, August 25, 2014

S.A. Griffin

I will have to ask Mr. Griffin if I can use this: 

it is close: a close shave.

This is Griffin outside his home: he is brilliant and comfortable.

All this on planet earth, Silverlake, somewhere in the history of 2013

S.A. and I grow silent.
Its not the same as those poetry slammin days of youth
I think he wanted to connect:
But he is an evaluator of relationships
And he marches to the rhythm of his own inner mission.

e-mission and o-mission.

What is that mission?
Where will it go and who will it take him toward being?
The Poetry Bomb
His fanatic love-child
of peace and diversion
Hitched to the back of his sedan
Is taking him over the universe
To no destination.
Minds are changing.